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Vokurka Karel, Prof. Ing., DrSc.

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Konzultační hodiny

Pondělí 10.30 - 11.30

  • Profesní životopis

    Ing.(~ M.S.) degree in electrical engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1970, CSc. (~ Ph.D.) degree in applied physics from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1979, Doc. (Habilitation) in applied physics at the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1991, DrSc. (Doctor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences) degree from the Charles University in Prague in 1992. Since 1996 Professor of Physics at the Technical University of Liberec. Member of the Union of the Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, Czech Acoustical Society, Czech Society for Cybernetics and Information, Acoustical Society of America, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Signal Processing Society), the Institute of Physics, UK, Fellow. Research stays abroad: in 1976 - 3 months visiting scientist at the 3rd Physical Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany, in1989/1990 - 6 months visiting scientist at the Shock Wave Laboratory, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, in 1995 - 1 month visiting scientist at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England. Language knowledge: Czech, English, German, Russian.

  • Publikace

    • A. Papers in international journals

      1. Vokurka K.: Power spectrum of the periodic group pulse process. Kybernetika 16, 5, 462-471, 1980. pdf
      2. Vokurka K.: Power spectrum of the quasiperiodic and aperiodic group pulse process. Kybernetika 17, 4, 298-309, 1981. pdf
      3. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the cavitation noise spectral line breadth. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B32, 8, 889-892, 1982. DOI: 10.1007/BF01597395 pdf
      4. Vokurka K.: Application of the group pulse processes in the theory of Barkhausen noise. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B32, 12, 1384-1398, 1982. DOI: 10.1007/BF01597681 pdf
      5. Vokurka K.: On the group pulse processes. I. Classification. Kybernetika 19, 5, 374-386, 1983. pdf
      6. Vokurka K.: On the group pulse processes. II. Power spectrum of the processes with independent points. Kybernetika 19, 6, 505-515, 1983. pdf
      7. Vokurka K.: On the group pulse processes. III. Power spectrum of the processes with independent intervals. Kybernetika 20, 1, 18-36, 1984. pdf
      8. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the ultrasonic transducer non-linear vibrations. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B34, 1, 35-39, 1984. DOI: 10.1007/BF01590478pdf
      9. Vokurka K.: On Rayleigh's model of a freely oscillating bubble. I. Basic relations. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B35, 1, 28-40, 1985. DOI: 10.1007/BF01590273 pdf
      10. Vokurka K.: On Rayleigh's model of a freely oscillating bubble. II. Results. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B35, 2, 110-120, 1985. DOI: 1007/ BF01595623 pdf
      11. Vokurka K.: On Rayleigh's model of a freely oscillating bubble. III. Limits. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B35, 2, 121-132, 1985. DOI: 10.1007/BF01595624 pdf
      12. Vokurka K.: On the assumption of a uniform pressure field in the bubble interior. Acta Technica ČSAV 30, 5, 585-593, 1985. pdf
      13. Vokurka K.: Excitation of gas bubbles for free oscillations. Journal of Sound and Vibration 106, 2, 275-288, 1986. DOI: 10.1016/0022-460X(86)90319-6 pdf
      14. Vokurka K.: Comparison of Rayleigh's, Herring's, and Gilmore's models of gas bubbles. Acustica 59, 3, 214-219, 1986. pdf
      15. Vokurka K.: A method for evaluating experimental data in bubble dynamics studies. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B36, 5, 600-615, 1986. DOI: 10.1007/BF01597494 pdf
      16. Vokurka K.: The scaling law for free oscillations of gas bubbles. Acustica 60, 4, 269-276, 1986. pdf
      17. Vokurka K.: A simple model of a vapor bubble. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 81, 1, 58-61, 1987. DOI: 10.1121/1.394933 pdf
      18. Vokurka K.: Oscillations of gas bubbles generated by underwater explosions. Acta Technica ČSAV 32, 2, 162-172, 1987. pdf
      19. Vokurka K.: Excitation of gas bubbles for free oscillations by increasing their energy. Journal of Sound and Vibration 116, 3, 483-490, 1987. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-460X(87)81379-2 pdf
      20. Vokurka K.: A model of spark and laser generated bubbles. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B38, 1, 27-34, 1988. DOI: 10.1007/BF01596516 pdf
      21. Vokurka K.: Evaluation of data from experiments with spark and laser generated bubbles. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B38, 1, 35-46, 1988. DOI: 10.1007/BF01596517 pdf
      22. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the bubble pulse. Acustica 66, 3, 174-176, 1988. pdf
      23. Vokurka K.: Influence of the ambient pressure on free oscillations of bubbles in liquids. Journal of Sound and Vibration 126, 1, 73-83, 1988. DOI:10.1016/0022-460X(88)90399-9 pdf
      24. Vokurka K.: Oscillations of bubbles generated by imploding and exploding hollow glass spheres in liquids. Acustica 68, 4, 231-240, 1989. pdf
      25. Vokurka K.: Free oscillations of a cavitation bubble. Journal of Sound and Vibration 135, 3, 399-410, 1989. DOI: 10.1016/0022-460X(89)90695-0 pdf
      26. Vokurka K.: Amplitudes of free bubble oscillations in liquids. Journal of Sound and Vibration 141, 2, 259-275, 1990.  DOI: 10.1016/0022-460X(90)90839-R pdf
      27. Vokurka K. The use of a shock tube in bubble dynamics studies. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 42, 3, 291-302, 344a, 1992. DOI: 10.1007/ BF01598426 pdf
      28. Vokurka K., Beylich A. E., and Kleine H.: Experimental study of gas bubble oscillations using a shock tube. Acustica 75, 4, 268-275, 1992. pdf
      29. Vokurka K.: Excitation of gas bubbles for free oscillations by changing the ambient pressure. Acustica 78, 2, 84-92 ,1993. pdf
      30. Vokurka K.: Experiments with oscillations of non-spherical gas bubbles oscillating in a liquid-shock-tube. Acustica 78, 5, 280-287, 1993. pdf
      31. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of detonating gas bubble oscillations using a shock tube. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 43, 11, 1071-1081, 1993. DOI: 10.1007/BF01589987 pdf
      32. Buogo S., Plocek J., and Vokurka K.: Efficiency of energy conversion in underwater spark discharges and associated bubble oscillations: Experimental results. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 95, 1, 46-59, 2009. DOI: 10.3813/AAA.918126 pdf
      33. Buogo S., Vokurka K.: Intensity of oscillation of spark-generated bubbles. Journal of Sound and Vibration 329, 20, 4266-4278, 2010. DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.04.030 pdf
      34. Vokurka K., Plocek J.: Experimental study of the thermal behavior of spark generated bubbles in water. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 51, 84-93, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.07.004pdf
      35. Vokurka K.: Significant intervals of energy transforms in bubbles freely oscillating in liquids. Journal of Hydrodynamics29, 2, 217-225, 2017. DOI:10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60731-Xpdf

      36. Vokurka K.: Experimental determination of temperatures in spark-generated bubbles oscillating in water. Acta Polytechnica 57, 2, 149-158, 2017. DOI:10.14311/AP.2017.57.0149pdf

      37. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Experimental study of light emitted by spark-generated bubbles in water. The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 81, 1, 11101, 2018. DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2017170332pdf

      38. Vokurka K.: The time difference in emission of light and pressure pulses from oscillating bubbles. Acta Polytechnica 58, 5, 323-333, 2018. DOI: 10.14311/AP.2018.58.0323pdf

      39. Vokurka K.: On the second light flash emitted from a spark-generated bubble oscillating in water. Acta Polytechnica 60, 3, 268-278, 2020. DOI: 10.14311/AP.2020.60.0268 pdf

      B. Papers in Czech journals

      1. Vokurka K.: An amplifier with automatic gain control using the linear integrated circuit MBA 145. Sdělovací technika, 1975, 2, 51-52, 1975 (in Czech).
      2. Vokurka K.: Power spectrum of the product of a periodic function with the Poisson impulse process. Slaboproudý obzor 40, 7, 315-317, 1979 (in Czech).pdf
      3. Vokurka K.: A contribution to interpretation of the power spectrum of the cavitation noise at hydrodynamic cavitation. Strojírenství 33, 5, 268-275, 1983 (in Czech).pdf
      4. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency analysis of cyclic noises. Akustické listy 19, 3-6, 1999 (in Czech).pdf
      5. Vokurka K.: A contrubution to the history of the Professional group Acoustics. Československý časopis pro fyziku 67, 2, 119-120, 2017 (in Czech).pdf

      C. International conferences and seminars

      1. Vokurka K.: A simple model of the acoustical diagnostic signal. International Conference: Technical Diagnostics,79, Karlovy Vary 18.-20. 9. 1979 (conference proceedings: Dům techniky ČSVTS Praha, Praha 1979, pp. 59-67) (in Czech).
      2. Vokurka K.: Power spectrum of the cavitation noise at ultrasonic cavitation. The 20th International Acoustical Conference: Ultrasound, Praha 6.-10.7.1981 (conference proceedings: Dům techniky ČSVTS Praha, Praha 1981, Vol. 2, pp. 53-55).pdf
      3. Vokurka K.: Statistical analysis of diagnostic signals with random periodic structure. International Conference: Technical Diagnostics,82, Praha 7.-8.12. 1982 (conference proceedings: Dům techniky ČSVTS Praha, Praha 1982, pp. 35-40).pdf
      4. Vokurka K.: Influence of the ambient pressure on free oscillations of bubbles in liquids. Euromech Colloquium 222: Unsteady Cavitation and its Effects, Wageningen 1.-3.6.1987 (colloquium abstracts: Paper 1.4, p 6).
      5. Vokurka K.: An analysis of the combustion engine noise. The 26th International Acoustical Conference: Noise and Environment, Štrbské Pleso 5.-9.10.1987 (conference proceedings: Dům techniky ČSVTS Bratislava, Bratislava 1987, Vol. 3, pp. 98-101) (in Czech).
      6. Vokurka K.: Combustion engine noise sources identification. The 17th AICB Congress: The Aims for Noise Control in Europe of the Future, Praha 23.-25.6. 1992 (conference proceedings: pp. 224-228).pdf
      7. Vokurka K.: Exploitation of vibration and noise signals cyclostationarity in condition based maintenance. Conference: NOISE-CON 97, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 15.-17.6.1997 (conference proceedings: C. B. Burroughs, editor, The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA, Inc., Washington, DC, USA, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 337-340) pdf
      8. Vokurka K.: Improved analysis of noise emitted by reciprocating machinery. Conference: INTER-NOISE 97, Budapest 25.-27.8.1997 (conference proceedings: F. Augusztinovicz, editor, OPAKFI, Budapest 1997, Vol. 3, pp. 1555-1558).
      9. Vokurka K.: Comparison of methods for analysis of cyclostationary noise. 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, USA, 20.-26.6.1998 (conference proceedings: P. K. Kuhl and L. A. Crum, editors, Acoustical Society of America, New York , USA, 1998, Vol. 1, pp. 629-630). pdf
      10. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency distribution of vibration and noise measured on rotating machinery. 1998 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA23, Leuven, Belgium, 16.-18.9.1998 (conference proceedings: P. Sas, editor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Departement Werktuigkunde, Leuven, Belgium, Vol. 2, pp. 1013-1016).
      11. Vokurka K.: Stationary vs. nonstationary approach to cyclostationary signals analysis. 43rd International Scientific colloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, 21.-24.9.1998 (conference proceedings: Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, Vol. 1, pp. 405-410).
      12. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency statistical characteristics of cyclostationary signals. IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 6.-9.10.1998 (conference proceedings: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 1-4). pdf
      13. Vokurka K.: Practical aspects of analyzing cyclostationary noise emitted by real acoustic sources. Joint Meeting: 137th Regular Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and 2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association: Forum Acusticum 99, integrating the 25th German Acoustics DAGA Conference, Berlin, Germany, 15.-19.3.1999 (conference proceedings: ACUSTICA united with acta acustica 85, Supplement 1, 1999, pp. S433, abstract 5aSPb1, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105, 2, Pt. 2, 1999, pp. 1359, abstract 5aSPb1). pdf
      14. Vokurka K.: Quadratic statistical characteristics of cyclic noise. Inter.noise 2000, Nice, France, 27.-30. 8. 2000 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM: D. Cassereau, editor, Société Francaise d´Acoustique, Paris, France, Vokurka K.: pp. 1-6).
      15. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency analysis of transient noise. 4th European Conference on Noise Control "euronoise 200", Patras, Greece, 14.-17.1.2001 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM: D. T. Tsahalis, editor, Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Energy, University of Patras, Greece, Vokurka K.: pp. 1-8).
      16. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency analysis of cavitation noise. 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy, 2.-7.9.2001 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM: ICA Srl, Rome, Italy, Vol I, Vokurka K.: pp. 1-2).pdf
      17. Vokurka K.: Statistical characteristics of random pulse signals. The 5th International Scientific Conference Digital Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications "DSP-MCOM 2001", Košice, Slovakia, 27.-29.11.2001 (conference proceedings: Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia, R. Lukáč, P. Galajda, S. Marchevský, and M. Drutarovský, editors, pp. 136-138).
      18. Vokurka K.: Cavitation noise modeling and analyzing. Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, Sevilla, Spain, 16.-20.9.2002 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM: Sociedad Espanola de Acústica, Vokurka K.: pp. 1-5). pdf
      19. Vokurka K.: Statistical characteristics of cavitation noise. First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics (144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Iberoamerican Congress on Acoustics, 9th Mexican Congress on Acoustics), Cancun, Mexico, 2.-6.12.2002 (conference proceedings: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 5, Pt. 2, 2002, pp. 2269, abstract 2pPA8). pdf
      20. Vokurka K.: New results in spectral analysis of noise and vibration generated by cyclically working machinery. 5th European Conference on Noise Control "Euronoise 2003", Naples, Italy, 19.-21.5.2003 (conference proceedings on CD ROM: Associazione Italiana di Acustica, ISBN 88-88942-00-9, G. Brambilla, C. Ianiello, L. Maffei, editors, pp. 119/1-119/6).
      21. Vokurka K.: Barkhausen noise simulation based on random pulse processes. 17th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, Prague 18.-22.8.2003 (conference proceedings: Czech Noise Research Laboratory, VUT Brno, ISBN 80-239-1005-1, J. Sikula, editor, pp. 655-658).
      22. Buogo S., Vokurka K.: Observation of spherical growth and collapse of a spark bubble in water. The Seventh European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA 2004, Delft, The Netherlands, 5.-8.7.2004 (conference proceedings on CD ROM: TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 2004, D. G. Simons, editor, paper: paper141_buogo.pdf). pdf
      23. Vokurka K.: Measurement and interpretation of instantaneous autospectrum of cyclostationary noise. The 33rd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering inter.noise 2004, Prague 22.-25.8.2004 (conference proceedings on CD ROM: Czech Acoustical Society, Prague August 2004, ISBN: 80-01-03055-5, M. Brothánek and O. Jiříček, editors, paper 316, pp.: 1-6). pdf
      24. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Unidentified energy conversions in an oscillating bubble. The 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, USA, 28. 11. - 2. 12. 2006 (conference proceedings: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 5, Pt. 2, 2006, pp. 3165, abstract 3aPA9). pdf
      25. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Are shock fronts always present in pressure waves radiated by cavitation bubbles? 34. Jahrestagung fur Akustik, DAGA 2008, Drážďany 10. - 13. 3. 2008 (sborník CD-ROM, Deutsche Gessellschaft fur Akustik 2008, ISBN: 978-3-9808659-4-4, Ute Jekosch and Rudiger Hoffmann, editoři, str. 473-474). pdf
      26. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Interpretation of the pressure waves radiated by oscillating bubbles. ACOUSTICS'08 PARIS (155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 5th FORUM ACUSTICUM of the European Acoustical Asociation, 9e Congres Francais d'Acoustique of the SFA, 2nd ASA-EAA Joint Conference integrating: 7th EURONOISE , 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics & 60th Anniversary of the SFA), Paříž, Francie, 29. 6. - 4. 7. 2008 (sborník: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123, 5, Pt. 2, 2008, str. 3558, abstrakt 4aPAc11). pdf
      27. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Experimental study of light emission from spark generated bubbles. 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2010, Berlin 15.-18.3.2010 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM, Deutsche Gessellschaft für Akustik 2010, ISBN: 978-3-9808659-8-2, Michael Möser, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp and Martin Ochmann, editors, pp. 671-672). pdf
      28. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Is thermal behavior of spark generated bubbles adiabatic? 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2012, Darmstadt 19.–22.3.2012 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM, Deutsche Gessellschaft für Akustik 2012, ISBN: 978-3-939296-04-1, Holger Hanselka, editor, pp. 871-872). pdf
      29. Vokurka K: Determination of temperatures in oscillating bubbles: experimental results. 22nd International Conference ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2016, Svratka, Czech Republic 9.-12.5.2016 (conference proceedings: Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague 2016, ISBN: 978-80-87012-59-8, ISSN: 1805-8248, editors: Igor Zolotarev, Vojtěch Radolf, pp. 581-584). pdf

      D. National conferences and seminars

      1. Vokurka K.: On cavitation noise theory. The 5th Conference of the Czechoslovak Physicists, Košice 29.8.-2.9.1977 (conference proceedings: VŠT Košice, Košice 1977, Vol. 4, pp. 918-921) (in Czech).
      2. Vokurka K.: The scaling law and the principle of similarity for free bubble oscillations. Seminar: Cavitation Research II, Praha 11.-12.6.1979 (seminar proceedings: ČSVTS-FEL-ČVUT, Praha 1979, pp. 23-32) (in Czech).
      3. Taraba O., Vokurka K.: Autocorrelation function of the cavitation noise. Seminar: Cavitation Research II, Praha 11.-12.6.1979 (seminar proceedings: ČSVTS-FEL-ČVUT, Praha 1979, pp. 43-47) (in Czech).
      4. Vokurka K.: Random impulse processes in physics. The 6th Conference of the Czechoslovak Physicists, Ostrava 27.-31.8.1979 (conference proceedings: JČSMF Ostrava, Ostrava 1979, Part I, Vol. 2, paper 09-06) (in Czech).
      5. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the bubble pulse. The 7th Conference of the Czechoslovak Physicists, Praha 24.-28.8.1981 (conference proceedings: JČSMF-FVS, Praha 1981, Part 1, Vol. 2, paper 09-07) (in Czech).
      6. Vokurka K.: Modelling combustion engine noise. The 3rd Acoustical Seminar, Pieštany 2.-5.5.1983 (seminar proceedings: ZP ČSVTS-SVÚSS Běchovice, Praha 1983, pp. 1-3) (in Czech).
      7. Vokurka K.: A method of the time window in the diagnostics of reciprocating machines. Conference: Autos 83, Plzeň 14.-17.6.1983 (conference proceedings: ZP ČSVTS - škoda k.p. Plzeň, Plzeň 1983, Vol. 3, pp. 696-700) (in Czech).
      8. Vokurka K.: Identification of engine noise sources. The 15th Conference of the Combustion Engine Departments of the Czechoslovak Technical Universities, Liberec 5.-6.6.1984 (conference proceedings: Dům techniky ČSVTS Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem 1984, pp. 73-77) (in Czech).
      9. Vokurka K.: Modelling combustion engine noise. The 9th Conference of the Czechoslovak Physicists, Pardubice 6.-10.7.1987 (conference abstracts: JČSMF-FVS, Praha 1987, Vol. 2, p. 473) (in Czech).
      10. Vokurka K.: A few remarks on engine noise sources identification. The 20th Conference of the Combustion Engine Departments of the Czechoslovak Technical Universities, Lednice na Moravě 7.-8.9.1989 (conference proceedings: Vysoká škola zemědělská v Brně , Agroprogres, Brno 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 108-114) (in Czech).
      11. Vokurka K.: Separating combustion and mechanical noise of the engine. The 22nd Conference of the Combustion Engine Departments of the Czechoslovak Technical Universities, Praha 18.-19.9.1991 (conference proceedings: Strojnická společnost ČSVTS při FSI ČVUT Praha, Praha 1991, pp. 6/1-6/8) (in Czech).
      12. Vokurka K.: An equipment for gearbox diagnostics. Conference: TD 2000 - DIAGON ?96, Zlín 31.1.-1.2.1996 (conference proceedings: Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky VUT ve Zlíně , Zlín 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 328-330) (in Czech).
      13. Vokurka K.: Analysis of cyclostationary noise and vibration. The 12th Conference of the Czech and Slovak Physicists, Ostrava 2.-6.9.1996 (conference proceedings: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Ostrava - Poruba 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 719-722) (in Czech).
      14. Vokurka K.: Cyclostationarity of diagnostic signals. Conference: TD 2000 - DIAGON, 97, Zlín 5.-6.2.1997 (conference proceedings: Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Academia centrum Fakulty technologické ve Zlíně , Zlín 1997, pp. 147- 150) (in Czech).
      15. Mocek H., Vokurka K.: Cepstral analysis of cyclostationary diagnostic signals. Conference: TD 2000 - DIAGON ?97, Zlín 5.-6.2.1997 (conference proceedings: Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Academia centrum Fakulty technologické ve Zlíně , Zlín 1997, pp. 152-155) (in Czech).
      16. Vokurka K.: Comparison of methods for analysis of diagnostic cyclostationary signals. Conference: TD 2000 - DIAGON, 98, Zlín 3.-4.2.1998 (conference proceedings: Vysoké učení technické v Brně - Academia centrum Fakulty technologické ve Zlíně , Zlín 1998, pp. 194-197) (in Czech).
      17. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency representation of automotive gearbox noise. The 13th Conference of the Slovak and Czech Physicists, Zvolen 23.-26.8.1999 (conference proceedings: Slovenská fyzikálná spoločnost, Zvolen 2000, editors: Reiffers M., Just L., pp. 381-383) (in Czech).
      18. Vokurka K.: Comparison of two types of zero order acoustic radiators. The 14th Conference of the Czech and Slovak Physicists, Plzeň 9.-12.9.2002 (conference proceedings on CD-ROM: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 2002, editors: P. Baroch, M. Kubásek, ?. Potocký, ISBN: 80-7082-907-9, pp. 670-674) (in Czech).pdf
      19. Buogo S., Vokurka K.: Acoustic signatures of underwater sparks. The 28th Acoustic seminar, Kouty 26.-28.5.2004 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, 2004, editor: I. Blahová, ISBN: 80-01-03021-0, pp. 5-8).pdf
      20. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: A minimum hydrophone bandwidth for undistorted cavitation noise measurement. The 76th Acoustic seminar, Hodonín 13.-15.5.2008 (conference proceeings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, 2008, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-04078-2, pp. 99-108). pdf
      21. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Experimental study of strong pressure pulses radiated by oscillating spark bubbles. The 78th Acoustic Seminar, Zelezná Ruda 19.-21.5.2009 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, 2009, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-04345-5, pp. 25-34) pdf
      22. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Acoustical approach to analysis of energy conversions in an oscillating bubble. The 79th Acoustic Seminar, Malá Morávka 6.-8.10.2009 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, 2009, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-04427-8, pp. 25-32). pdf
      23. Vokurka K., Buogo S.: Light from oscillating bubbles - persisting mystery. The 80th Acoustic Seminar, Hrdoňov 4.-6.5.2010 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, May 2010, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-04547-3, pp. 65-72). pdf
      24. Vokurka K.: Time-frequency analysis of cyclic noises and vibrations. The 83rd Acoustic Seminar, Tři Studně, 18.-20.10.2011 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, October 2011, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-04901-13, pp. 21-28, in Czech).pdf
      25. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of propagation of strong spherical pressure pulses in water. The 88th Acoustic Seminar, Zaječí, 13.-15.5.2014 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, May 2014, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-05511-3, pp. 15-20, in Czech).pdf
      26. Vokurka K.: Finite amplitude waves radiated by a bubble generated by a spark discharge in water. The 90th Acoustic Seminar, Doksy, 12.-14.5.2015 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, May 2015, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-05744-5, pp. 47-52, in Czech).pdf
      27. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the zeroth order acoustic radiators buoyancy in liquids. The 93rd Acoustic Seminar, Mikulov na Moravě, 18.-20.10.2016 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, October 2016, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-06025-4, pp. 57-62, in Czech).pdf
      28. Vokurka K., Plocek J.: Near and far field of intensively radiating zeroth order acoustic sources. The 95th Acoustic Seminar, Horní Cerekev, 10.-12.10.2017 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, October 2017, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-06320-0, pp. 29-34, in Czech).pdf
      29. Vokurka K.: The measurement of short and intensive acoustic pulses. The 97th Acoustic Seminar, Seč, 29. - 31. 10. 2018 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Česká akustická společnost, October 2018, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-06500-6, pp. 20-28, in Czech). pdf
      30. Vokurka K.: Experimental study of the propagation of spherical shock waves in water. 100th Acoustic Seminar, Znojmo, 19. - 21. 10. 2021 (conference proceedings: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2021, editors: M. Brothánek, R. Svobodová, ISBN: 978-80-01-06888-5, pp. 87-93, in Czech).. pdf

      E. Textbooks

      1. Vokurka K., Stěnička J., and Kropáč O.: Signal Analysis I. Dům Techniky ČSVTS, Ústí nad Labem 1990 (in Czech).
      2. Bahník T., Burianová L., Kopal A., Machonský L., Šimek L. and Vokurka K.: Problems in Physics II. Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2000 (in Czech).
      3. Bahník T., Burianová L., Kopal A., Machonský L., Šimek L. and Vokurka K.: Problems in Physics II - 2nd edition. Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2003 (in Czech), ISBN 80-7083-735-7
  • Závěrečné práce

  • Výuka

    Akademický rok: 2024/2025
    Zimní semestr
    • KFY/ZAL (C-C104)
      Základy elektrotechniky | 10:40 - 12:15
    • KFY/KMV (C-C104)
      Kmitání a vlnění | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KFY/KMV (C-C302)
      Kmitání a vlnění | 16:10 - 17:45
    • KFY/ZAL (C-C104)
      Základy elektrotechniky | 14:20 - 16:55
    • KFY/KMV (C-C301)
      Kmitání a vlnění | 08:50 - 12:15
    • KFY/KMV (C-C301)
      Kmitání a vlnění | 10:40 - 14:05
    • KFY/KMV (C-C104)
      Kmitání a vlnění | 10:40 - 14:05
    • KFY/ZAL (C-C104)
      Základy elektrotechniky | 14:20 - 16:55
    • KFY/ZAL (C-C104)
      Základy elektrotechniky | 08:50 - 12:15
    Letní semestr
    • KFY/AKU (C-C204)
      Akustika | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KFY/AKU (C-C302)
      Akustika | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KFY/AKU (C-C302)
      Akustika | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KFY/AKU (C-C302)
      Akustika | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KFY/AKU (C-C302)
      Akustika | 10:40 - 12:15
    • KFY/AKU (C-C302)
      Akustika | 08:50 - 10:25
  • Oblasti výzkumu

    Time-frequency representation of cyclostationary signals, noise in physical systems, Barkhausen noise, cavitation noise and cavitation bubble dynamics, acoustic noise, signal analysis and modelling, random pulse processes theory, cyclostationary signals analysis, technical diagnostics of machinery, diesel engine noise reduction.